Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Keeler and Kallahan

Wow! I had an absolutely wonderful time hanging out with two of my favorite people in the world today. My mom brought Keller and Kallahan to Amarillo to spend a few days with us. We started the day by going to the new car wash. This was so exciting for Kallahan. He is so cute when he says "new car wash!" Next, Keeler decided he needed some new orange clothes! We aren't sure why orange but why not!
Now he thinks he needs orange shoes! We were headed to the discovery center but it was the hot spot for field trips today so we headed to Chuck E. Cheese!

The boys had a blast. So much fun, I miss my kids being little.
We had to do some grocery shopping after our fun morning but the kids were great!

Then we headed to pick my kids up from school and enjoyed some time swimming before the big rain-so far about 1 1/2 inches and it is still raining! Thank you Lord! We have needed moisture for so long now! Looking forward to spending time with the bosh tomorrow and going to Samuel's Kindergarten Graduation!

1 comment:

  1. So cute and glad that you all are having such a great time.
    I love you. I know this morning was hard for your family. Know that I'm praying for y'all. Only one more sleep :)
